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Don Bradman Crciket 17 Demo nets update

       Don Bradman Cricket 17 is the next installment of DBC 14 which released on early 2015 is now shaping up good with this update. There are lot of improvements to the charcter, lighting and gameplay features compared to the latter. DBC 17 is said to have a lauch on December 2016. Though this game is literally not famous around the world it has the potential to be a AAA Sport series like EA's FIFA or 2K's NBA Series. Yet it has a huge fan base within the cricket playing countries. DBC usually comes with mod support with its savefiles, DBC 17 also comes up with new logo design feature and women player designer.

       The new update 0.0.68 has a nets update where players can practice both batting and bowling of all styles. Batting seems to be more smoother and there is good change to the bowling controls. Now players can easily select between Offcutter or legcutter before the run-up. This will surely make a difference in the gameplay. The previous updates to the demo came up with Female character creator, Logo designer with gradients and much more.

       It would be good to see the game release on the exact release month as the previous version took so long after the announcement which the made the players frustrated. Go grab the demo and try the nets.

Don Bradman Cricket 17 Demo


DBC 17 Beta Update 0.0.68

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